uncore一词,是英特尔用来描述微处理器中,功能上为非处理器核心(Core)所负担,但是对处理器性能的发挥和维持有必不可少的作用的组成部分。处理器核心(Core)包含的处理器组件都涉及处理器指令的运行,包括算术逻辑单元(ALU)、浮点运算单元(FPU)、一级缓存(L1 Cache)、二级缓存(L2 Cache)。Uncore的功能包括QPI控制器、三级缓存(L3 Cache)、内存一致性监测(snoop agent pipeline)、内存控制器,以及Thunderbolt控制器。至于其余的总线控制器,像是PCI-E、SPI等,则是属于芯片组的一部分。
具体而言,微架构中的uncore是被细分为数个模块单元的。uncore连接至处理器核心是通过一个叫Cache Box(CBox)的界面实现的,CBox也是末级缓存(Last Level Cache,LLC)的连接界面,同时负责管理缓存一致性。复合的内部与外部QPI链接由物理层单元(Physical Layer units)管理,称为PBox。PBox、CBox以及一个或更多的内置存储器控制器(iMC,作MBox)的连接由系统配置控制器(System Config Controller,作UBox)和路由器(Router,作RBox)负责管理。
下面是较早的Intel® Xeon® Processor E7-8800/4800/2800系列CPU Uncore架构图以及各组件说明:
Name | Function |
Core | Intel Xeon Processor E7-8800/4800/2800 Product Families core architecture processing unit |
Bbox | Home Agent |
Cbox | Last Level Cache Coherency Engine |
Mbox | Integrated Memory Controller |
Pbox | Physical Layer (PHY) for the Intel® QPI Interconnect and Intel® SMI Interconnect memory controller |
Rbox | Crossbar Router |
Sbox | Caching Agent |
Ubox | System Configuration Agent |
Wbox | Power Controller |
Intel® SMI | Intel® Scalable Memory Interconnect (formerly “FBD2” or “Fully Buffered DIMM 2 interface”) |
Intel® QPI | Intel® QuickPath Interconnect |
LLC | Last Level Cache (Level 3) |
这是较新的Intel® Xeon® E5系列Uncore架构图,看起来HA(Home Agent)取代了Bbox, iMC取代了Mbox, PCU取代了WBox。
Linux Uncore Driver
# ls -d /sys/devices/uncore_*
/sys/devices/uncore_cha_0 /sys/devices/uncore_imc_1
/sys/devices/uncore_cha_1 /sys/devices/uncore_imc_2
/sys/devices/uncore_cha_10 /sys/devices/uncore_imc_3
/sys/devices/uncore_cha_11 /sys/devices/uncore_imc_4
/sys/devices/uncore_cha_2 /sys/devices/uncore_imc_5
/sys/devices/uncore_cha_3 /sys/devices/uncore_irp_0
/sys/devices/uncore_cha_4 /sys/devices/uncore_irp_1
/sys/devices/uncore_cha_5 /sys/devices/uncore_irp_2
/sys/devices/uncore_cha_6 /sys/devices/uncore_irp_3
/sys/devices/uncore_cha_7 /sys/devices/uncore_irp_4
/sys/devices/uncore_cha_8 /sys/devices/uncore_irp_5
/sys/devices/uncore_cha_9 /sys/devices/uncore_m2m_0
/sys/devices/uncore_iio_0 /sys/devices/uncore_m2m_1
/sys/devices/uncore_iio_1 /sys/devices/uncore_m3upi_0
/sys/devices/uncore_iio_2 /sys/devices/uncore_m3upi_1
/sys/devices/uncore_iio_3 /sys/devices/uncore_pcu
/sys/devices/uncore_iio_4 /sys/devices/uncore_ubox
/sys/devices/uncore_iio_5 /sys/devices/uncore_upi_0
/sys/devices/uncore_imc_0 /sys/devices/uncore_upi_1
PMU Tools
开源项目pmu-tools集成了ucevent(uncore event)的工具,可以查看并跟踪uncore事件。
# Clone pmu-tools项目
git clone https://github.com/andikleen/pmu-tools
使用ucevnent.py列出支持的uncore events:
cd pmu-tools/ucevent
CHA (Home Agent) CACHE Events
CHA (Home Agent) HA (Home Agent) REQUEST Events
CHA.PCT_RD_REQUESTS Percent Read Requests
CHA.PCT_WR_REQUESTS Percent Write Requests
CHA (Home Agent) INGRESS Events
CHA.AVG_INGRESS_DEPTH Average Ingress (from CMS) Depth
CHA.AVG_INGRESS_LATENCY Average Ingress (from CMS) Latency
CHA.AVG_INGRESS_LATENCY_WHEN_NE Average Latency in Non-Empty Ingress (from CMS)
CHA.CYC_INGRESS_BLOCKED Cycles Ingress (from CMS) Blocked
CHA.INGRESS_REJ_V_INS Ingress (from CMS) Rejects vs. Inserts
CHA (Home Agent) TOR (Table of Requests, pending transactions) Events
CHA.AVG_CRD_MISS_LATENCY Average Code Read Latency
CHA.AVG_DEMAND_RD_HIT_LATENCY Average Data Read Hit Latency
CHA.AVG_DEMAND_RD_MISS_LOCAL_LATENCY Average Data Read Local Miss Latency
CHA.AVG_DRD_MISS_LATENCY Average Data Read Miss Latency
CHA.AVG_IA_CRD_LLC_HIT_LATENCY Average Code Read Latency
CHA.AVG_TOR_DRDS_MISS_WHEN_NE Average Data Read Misses in Non-Empty TOR
CHA.AVG_TOR_DRDS_WHEN_NE Average Data Reads in Non-Empty TOR
CHA.FAST_STR_LLC_HIT Fast String operations
CHA.FAST_STR_LLC_MISS Fast String misses
CHA.LLC_CRD_MISS_TO_LOC_MEM LLC Code Read Misses to Local Memory
CHA.LLC_CRD_MISS_TO_REM_MEM LLC Code Read Misses to Remote Memory
CHA.LLC_DRD_MISS_TO_LOC_MEM LLC Data Read Misses to Local Memory
CHA.LLC_DRD_MISS_TO_REM_MEM LLC Data Read Misses to Remote Memory
CHA.LLC_DRD_PREFETCH_HITS DRd Prefetches that Hit the LLC
# ucevent.py -I 2000 CBO.PCIE_DATA_BYTES sleep 10
384.00 256.00
0.00 256.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
# ucevent.py iMC.PCT_REQUESTS_PAGE_MISS my-workload
PCM (Processor Counter Monitor)
PCM提供了一些监控LLC, PCI,QPI的工具:
其中,pcm.x可以监控core, cache miss/hit和各个socket的upi带宽:
Detected Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5118 CPU @ 2.30GHz "Intel(r) microarchitecture codename Skylake-SP" stepping 4 microcode level 0x2000043
EXEC : instructions per nominal CPU cycle
IPC : instructions per CPU cycle
FREQ : relation to nominal CPU frequency='unhalted clock ticks'/'invariant timer ticks' (includes Intel Turbo Boost)
AFREQ : relation to nominal CPU frequency while in active state (not in power-saving C state)='unhalted clock ticks'/'invariant timer ticks while in C0-state' (includes Intel Turbo Boost)
L3MISS: L3 (read) cache misses
L2MISS: L2 (read) cache misses (including other core's L2 cache *hits*)
L3HIT : L3 (read) cache hit ratio (0.00-1.00)
L2HIT : L2 cache hit ratio (0.00-1.00)
L3MPI : number of L3 (read) cache misses per instruction
L2MPI : number of L2 (read) cache misses per instruction
READ : bytes read from main memory controller (in GBytes)
WRITE : bytes written to main memory controller (in GBytes)
L3OCC : L3 occupancy (in KBytes)
TEMP : Temperature reading in 1 degree Celsius relative to the TjMax temperature (thermal headroom): 0 corresponds to the max temperature
energy: Energy in Joules
0 0 0.01 0.37 0.04 1.17 36 K 103 K 0.54 0.63 0.00 0.00 576 47
1 1 0.00 0.88 0.00 1.17 4602 13 K 0.64 0.68 0.00 0.00 432 56
2 0 0.01 0.82 0.01 1.17 20 K 61 K 0.57 0.70 0.00 0.00 384 48
3 1 0.01 0.87 0.01 1.17 16 K 41 K 0.56 0.72 0.00 0.00 2016 57
4 0 0.01 0.78 0.01 1.17 18 K 66 K 0.67 0.66 0.00 0.00 672 49
5 1 0.00 0.51 0.01 1.17 14 K 31 K 0.51 0.62 0.00 0.00 1152 58
6 0 0.01 0.65 0.01 1.17 21 K 72 K 0.65 0.61 0.00 0.00 1968 50
7 1 0.00 0.82 0.00 1.17 6567 13 K 0.45 0.60 0.00 0.00 480 58
Intel(r) UPI data traffic estimation in bytes (data traffic coming to CPU/socket through UPI links):
SKT 0 43 M 43 M | 0% 0%
SKT 1 32 M 31 M | 0% 0%
# ./pcm-memory.x
Processor Counter Monitor: Memory Bandwidth Monitoring Utility ($Format:%ci ID=%h$)
This utility measures memory bandwidth per channel or per DIMM rank in real-time
Number of physical cores: 24
Number of logical cores: 48
Number of online logical cores: 48
Threads (logical cores) per physical core: 2
Num sockets: 2
Physical cores per socket: 12
Core PMU (perfmon) version: 4
Number of core PMU generic (programmable) counters: 4
Width of generic (programmable) counters: 48 bits
Number of core PMU fixed counters: 3
Width of fixed counters: 48 bits
Nominal core frequency: 2300000000 Hz
Package thermal spec power: 105 Watt; Package minimum power: 64 Watt; Package maximum power: 231 Watt;
Socket 0: 2 memory controllers detected with total number of 6 channels. 2 QPI ports detected.
Socket 1: 2 memory controllers detected with total number of 6 channels. 2 QPI ports detected.
Detected Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5118 CPU @ 2.30GHz "Intel(r) microarchitecture codename Skylake-SP" stepping 4 microcode level 0x2000043
Update every 1 seconds
|-- Socket 0 --||-- Socket 1 --|
|-- Memory Channel Monitoring --||-- Memory Channel Monitoring --|
|-- Mem Ch 0: Reads (MB/s): 18.91 --||-- Mem Ch 0: Reads (MB/s): 16.60 --|
|-- Writes(MB/s): 23.22 --||-- Writes(MB/s): 18.96 --|
|-- Mem Ch 1: Reads (MB/s): 18.98 --||-- Mem Ch 1: Reads (MB/s): 16.80 --|
|-- Writes(MB/s): 23.39 --||-- Writes(MB/s): 19.15 --|
|-- Mem Ch 2: Reads (MB/s): 18.77 --||-- Mem Ch 2: Reads (MB/s): 16.35 --|
|-- Writes(MB/s): 23.05 --||-- Writes(MB/s): 18.71 --|
|-- Mem Ch 3: Reads (MB/s): 17.89 --||-- Mem Ch 3: Reads (MB/s): 15.75 --|
|-- Writes(MB/s): 22.94 --||-- Writes(MB/s): 18.44 --|
|-- Mem Ch 4: Reads (MB/s): 17.87 --||-- Mem Ch 4: Reads (MB/s): 15.88 --|
|-- Writes(MB/s): 22.78 --||-- Writes(MB/s): 18.55 --|
|-- Mem Ch 5: Reads (MB/s): 18.04 --||-- Mem Ch 5: Reads (MB/s): 16.80 --|
|-- Writes(MB/s): 22.93 --||-- Writes(MB/s): 19.64 --|
|-- NODE 0 Mem Read (MB/s) : 110.47 --||-- NODE 1 Mem Read (MB/s) : 98.18 --|
|-- NODE 0 Mem Write(MB/s) : 138.31 --||-- NODE 1 Mem Write(MB/s) : 113.46 --|
|-- NODE 0 P. Write (T/s): 18728 --||-- NODE 1 P. Write (T/s): 18732 --|
|-- NODE 0 Memory (MB/s): 248.78 --||-- NODE 1 Memory (MB/s): 211.63 --|
|-- System Read Throughput(MB/s): 208.65 --|
|-- System Write Throughput(MB/s): 251.77 --|
|-- System Memory Throughput(MB/s): 460.42 --|
# ./pcm-numa.x
Detected Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5118 CPU @ 2.30GHz "Intel(r) microarchitecture codename Skylake-SP" stepping 4 microcode level 0x2000043
Update every 1.0 seconds
Time elapsed: 1000 ms
Core | IPC | Instructions | Cycles | Local DRAM accesses | Remote DRAM Accesses
0 0.37 30 M 81 M 41 K 90 K
1 0.71 10 M 14 M 90 K 20 K
2 0.64 14 M 22 M 20 K 59 K
3 1.10 79 M 71 M 7264 21 K
4 0.82 26 M 31 M 33 K 48 K
5 0.95 12 M 13 M 8131 27 K
6 0.37 13 M 35 M 306 K 111 K
7 1.00 7417 K 7432 K 9991 9136
8 0.76 12 M 15 M 13 K 6833
9 1.03 14 M 13 M 10 K 19 K
10 0.56 6269 K 11 M 42 K 50 K
11 0.92 26 M 29 M 60 K 85 K
12 0.87 14 M 16 M 17 K 10 K
13 0.64 4130 K 6504 K 5615 40 K
14 0.88 32 M 36 M 57 K 51 K
15 0.88 10 M 11 M 8689 16 K