scrypt(){ [ -n "$1" ]&&{ echo '. <(echo "$(tail -n+2 $0|base64 -d|mcrypt -dq)"); exit;'>$1.scrypt;cat $1|mcrypt|base64 >>$1.scrypt;chmod +x $1.scrypt;};}
case "$1" in
""|-h) echo "This is the fantastic Hello World. Try this:" $(basename $0) "[entity]" ;;
moon) echo Good night. ;;
sun) echo Good morning. ;;
world) echo "Hello, world!" ;;
*) echo Hi, $@. ;;
[root@hluo scrypt]# ls
hello README.md scrypt.sh
# Load scrypt function
[root@hluo scrypt]# . scrypt.sh
# encrypt hello script
[root@hluo scrypt]# scrypt hello
Enter the passphrase (maximum of 512 characters)
Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
Enter passphrase:
Enter passphrase:
Stdin was encrypted.
# an encrypted script was generated.
[root@hluo scrypt]# ls
hello hello.scrypt README.md scrypt.sh
# got an error if password is not correct.
[root@hluo scrypt]# ./hello.scrypt
Enter passphrase:
SHA1 check failed
Stdin was NOT decrypted successfully.
/dev/fd/63:行1: 未预期的符号 `$'^\252\247s\251\303Q\260\355\347a'' 附近有语法错误
# script works as expected if password is correct.
[root@hluo scrypt]# ./hello.scrypt
Enter passphrase:
This is the fantastic Hello World. Try this: hello.scrypt [entity]
[root@hluo scrypt]# ./hello.scrypt world
Enter passphrase:
Hello, world!